Chosen To Lead

Turning the hearts of men toward God, fighting for marriage and family, while equipping men to lead with character, conviction, courage, and compassion

The Problem

Our national crisis is a consequence of the crisis of the home, and the crisis of the home is a crisis of male leadership. Men have abandoned their calling to be the spiritual leaders of their families, to be the builders of Christian character, the teachers of Christian doctrine, the models of Christ-like faith and virtue. They have abdicated their responsibility to be the guardians of that wellspring of Christian civilization: the Christian home. Because men have forsaken their families, we are losing a civilization.

- Phillip Lancaster


Chosen To Lead had reached over 2,000 men in over 30 churches across the NorthWest. If you would like more information about CTL coming to your church anywhere in the country contact CTL Family Ministries

More About Chosen To Lead

What Is CTL?

You are one step closer to the journey God has called us men onto, to be the leaders in our homes exemplifying Christ's love to our families and everyone we come in contact with. Since 2001, Chosen to Lead has been encouraging men to lead lifestyles that bring honor and glory to God.

What We Believe

Chosen to Lead believes the Bible is the complete, inspired, and infallible Word of God. It is the final author-
ity for Christian faith, worship, and conduct.


The men at Chosen to Lead are taught things such as how to journal daily through the Word, establish diligent prayer patterns, and implement family worship


I believe that every man needs to know and understand what God has called them to be in a world that is constantly changing.


- Pastor Gary Hebden

The men at Bethabara Fellowship have been inspired, encouraged, enlightened, and certainly well taught by the CTL program

-Pastor Buzz McKarcher